If you’re new to Christianity, a real OG, or somewhere in between, hearing the voice of God is imperative to your walk. Some of us are born with it, and some of us have to cultivate it, but we all have the ability to hear what God is saying to us. The word of God says:
My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.
John 10:27 ESV
It is according to our faith and our willingness to seek him that we will be able to experience the benefits of life with him. One of them is hearing his voice. So let’s get into it! Here are 3 ways below that you can cultivate your ability to hear the voice of God.
Disclaimer: Your story is exclusive. God made only one you, and your walk with Christ is different from everyone else’s. Don’t expect God to speak to you the way he speaks to your friends, your siblings, your pastor, or anyone else. Though he may similarly speak to you, there’s just as much of a chance that he may speak to you completely different. I’ve never heard an audible voice, yet I know others who have. But we’ve both experienced the joy that comes from hearing and obeying God. Be open to more than just one way of communication with God. Allow him to have endless ways of communicating with your head and heart.
Spend time with God. Just like people, we develop a relationship with God by spending time with him. Spend time with God in traditional and nontraditional ways. Traditional ways being prayer, reading the word, going to church, etc. Nontraditional ways are whatever you make it as long as you acknowledge him. I like to do what I call prayer walks. I walk around my neighborhood talking, praying, and singing. That may or may not work for you. Some people watch movies and even take Jesus on dates (I tried it, and it didn’t go so well lol). Whatever you do, spend time with Jesus. I love this description that people often use. If you put me in a crowded room with my Dad, I would still clearly be able to perceive the voice of my dad out of all the voices in the room because I’ve spent time with him all my life—the same thing with our Heavenly Father. The more you spend time with him, the more confident you become in knowing how God sounds when speaking to you.
Read the Word of God. Literally, the word of God is God’s words. Because the word is alive and active, you can trust that it is still a representation of the conversation and character of God. For example, there isn’t a verse in the Bible where God goes off into a gossiping tangent. Because that is not the nature of God, as you begin to read the word of God, it will fill you, convict you, encourage you, remind you, heal you, and so much more. Get into the habit of reading the word daily. As thoughts, knowings, prophetic word, and whatever else approaches, you can discern its source according to how it aligns with the word of God.
Be Quiet. Sometimes instead of talking to God, asking him questions, and telling him what we want, we should practice being quiet. In your prayer time, don’t just pray and go… read your word and go. Sit, wait, and be quiet. It is not the most fun thing to do, but what a great reward if you actually hear the voice of God. Make time in your day to talk to God and be quiet besides your prayer time. Try in the shower, on the way to work, as you lay in bed in the morning as you lay in bed a night. Clear your mind and listen in.
However you hear, God wants to talk with you. I do believe the word when it says God will withhold no good thing from you. So put your faith into action and invest in time with God, invest in his word, and listen in. He will speak to you!
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