Look at you! Clicking onto my first post, thank you! I wanted to start with a mini-series that puts the meaning and purpose of The Enthused Life into perspective. In this space, I am going to share wisdom, insight, and my own experiences, to push you in the spiritual direction of living your best life. No, this is not another self-help blog, and I do not aspire to be Tony Robbins. No, I will not advise you on quitting your 9-5 or center my post around you living at your highest potential. We’re talking about Jesus and how we live our best lives in Him. Everything else is of temporary importance or a significant distraction when our souls are at risk. Step 1 in living the enthused life: Choose this life because it will not choose you.
*Disclaimer: This post is not suggesting that depression or mental illness is solely a choice. I believe that God can supernaturally cure any sickness or oppression. I also believe that God gave us doctors to heal as well. If you need help, get help.
All the days of the afflicted are bad,
But a glad heart has a continual feast [regardless of the circumstances]. Proverbs 15:15, Amplified
Choose to be the glad-hearted person. I studied this scripture Friday morning and used it to encourage someone Friday night. Shout out to Carol; you know who you are, LOL. Life can be so hard as we go through different challenges and seasons. But what this scripture tells me is that our perception affects how we live our lives continually – and I wanna feast! In hard times, we need to acknowledge where we are but not allow ourselves to get stuck in overwhelming thoughts, emotions, and worries. Instead, we should overwhelm ourselves with the word, worship, prayer, positive thoughts, and positive people. We don’t always have the option to choose our reality, but we can choose our heart posture in the midst of it.
Assess where you seek your gladness. Everything we chase in this life is to bring us joy and a sense of freedom. We run toward careers, relationships, recognition, purpose, etc., as if they are the one missing puzzle piece that can fix that little feeling of “there has to be more.” You know exactly what I’m talking about. Honestly, none of these things are bad but, we’ve become little misled. The more we chase, the less we realize that our joy and freedom have become contingent upon what is temporary. It is so easy to lose our hope and joy when it’s misplaced in what we have and what we do. One good thing can happen that will ultimately make our world and another that will destroy it. It’s the risk of just living life. But, there has to be a standard within us that is still able to stand if all has failed. When we’ve chosen to be glad regardless of circumstances, our hope is in Jesus. We don’t look for “there has to be more” in the world. We look for more in Jesus who gives to us spiritually, physically and sustains us, so we don’t have to be sustained by the little that the world has to offer.
It’s cliche, but Jesus will always be your safe place. If you’re not pursuing a life with Jesus, this is going to be hard to do. In good or bad circumstances, he is the one to look to. What else is there if he’s not? There is only disappointment when the good time ends or when things don’t go as planned. There hope and trust to know that God is never surprised and works everything out for our good. We can only experience that peace if we accept him, trust him, and allow ourselves to rejoice him. Hold onto your joy by letting God hold it and keep it safe.
Life happens, so choose daily not to place your joy on the circumstances of this life. This is not easy, but it’s something that is practiced. Over time you become stronger and stronger but more dependent on Him. Right where he wants you. Be on the lookout for an Instagram post that lists simple steps on cultivating this into your lifestyle. It will always be a pleasure to talk about God to anyone anywhere. Come back to this space every Wednesday
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